How Often Should a Business Referral Group Meet?

The frequency of group meetings is very much dependant on the group and once again, communication is key. Depending on the types of businesses within your group, it may be better to meet on a weekly basis, a fortnightly basis or just every other week, whatever works for your group. It is recommended, however, to get some kind of regularity in place and to keep track of when meetings are to occur. This is particularly important as you expand your network and even branch out to other networks, being able to keep track of when you are meeting and with who can become difficult.

One advantage of meeting on a weekly basis is that your group can bond quickly and become more familiar and comfortable with the process. This is especially important during a group’s early stages. Also, by having a regular time to meet you and the other group members are showing a commitment to the group and a willingness to contribute. On the flip side, if your group is meeting irregularly you can lose touch with the group dynamic, communication can deteriorate and business referral leads and other opportunities can be lost as a result.

A good approach to start with is to try a meeting schedule for a while and then adapt it to fit with everyone in the group as things progress. It’s a good idea to sort out in the early stages how often your group will meet and how strict your attendance policy will be, if you have one. Deciding on this early can help to avoid any problems that could occur down the track.

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