9 Best Social Media Management Tips to Increase Traffic

With so many platforms in use it can be difficult to track what content is going where and to whom it is reaching. Social Marketing Website Involver http://www.involver.com/ has recently put out a paper on managing the social media mix. Highlighting nine steps to getting on top of your social media marketing, it is a useful read for all online marketers to follow these social media management tips.

Here is an outline of the 9 Best Social Media Management Tips that will help increase traffic:

  1. Make a list of your social media portfolio:

    Create an inventory list of all forms of social media currently in use.

  2. Note content used:

    List all different forms of content distributed in a table with each forming the heading of a new column. These will include your white papers, status updates, event information, industry discussion etc.

  3. Look through ‘social media lenses’ to help generate understanding and new ideas.

    Add rows in the table for these four points. The first of these is dubbed Frequency/formality. Rank all your content based on its frequency (how often you send it out) and then formality (level of investment in the communication/how results driven it is). The third ranking should be done based on subscription size. The more subscriptions, the more wide spread your message is being sent. Also at this step you should think about how content flows from one channel to another and what is the main point of discussion in each channel. For example you may have a blog post that focuses on industry trends that leads to a white paper on a particular piece of that information.

  4. Group content with channels

    . If one item of content is used in more than one channel that is ok, but aim for no more than three. One channel should stand out a as ‘digest’ channel, containing information about all other channels.

  5. Articulate the essence of each channel and create separate communication goals.

    For example your twitter account may be about ‘industry thoughts’ (essence) serving to ‘foster community spirit (goal). If channels come out with similar goals and/or essence it is time to cut down. If you are worried note that it is more beneficial to the user if a channel is providing them with a targeted resource.

  6. Discover where you are under-serving the market.

    This can be gauged from the above analysis and should be combined with online polls and feedback from users.

  7. Strategize

    Now it’s time to cut further by ranking strategies based on feasibility and Importance. All Short term goals should be aligned with long term goals. This is best done in a visual format, such as an arch.

  8. Make a Content Flow Diagram

    This should contain each of your revised social media channels and clearly demonstrate how each channel feeds into each other. Digest inputs should be placed on the left, linking to original content, and finally, to audience. See below for an example:

  9. Use tracking software like Crowd-booster.com

    (http://crowdbooster.com/ ). This can help you schedule your content, get easy to comprehend analytics and gain useful recommendations and customer insights.

Regular review of your social media mix will help to create the best strategy. Start getting organised today! Follow these social media management tips and help to gain more visits to your site and boost your business.

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