Frankston Centenary Tennis Club – Case Study

Frankston Centenary Tennis Club is one of the oldest tennis clubs in Victoria. They have recently changed ownership, and gone about refurbishing their courts and facilities. AndMine worked with FCTC on a rebranding to give the club an updated look to reflect this change.

The rebranding done by our team has involved a new logo, plus an updated look and feel of the brand as a whole, shown off on the club’s brand-new website designed and built by our team. The website includes pages for the club’s coaching, competitions, tournaments, and night tennis programs.

Alongside the new site, AndMine have been working on designing a range of fresh merchandise for the club including t-shirts, while also having a neon sign in the works for the club’s interior. The design process has centred around giving the club a fresh, modern and distinctly cool look and feel, to reflect the regeneration the club is undergoing at this time.

A major win for both ourselves and FCTC was the success of the launch and campaigns AndMine ran. We achieved a return on advertising spend of over 12x and 30x for two campaigns to launch the club membership and sponsorship, respectively. With tens of thousands generated in revenue within a few short weeks, this shows the power of a strong brand combined with well positioned digital marketing and advertising.

AndMine have been incredibly proud to partner with FCTC on this project, which has included online design and site building, merchandise design, copywriting and website editing, from initial consultation with the client through to the new and sleek website currently online, continuing through to finalising merchandise and signage for the club and its members.

Look out for big things from Frankston Centenary Tennis Club in the months and years ahead – the future champions of Australian and international tennis may belong to this up and coming community club.

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