Competitor Analysis

The first process AndMine proceeds with when undertaking any digital project for any of our clients is an in-depth Competitor Analysis or Industry Analysis and Company Analysis.

By this point AndMine will have outlined the goals that our clients want to achieve through their digital marketing, which logically progresses to a powerful insight of their market place, where they currently sit and where their key competitors rank comparatively.

Further, we provide our clients with current posting and share of the market, along with an analysis of the digital marketing strategies and initial tactics implemented by our clients to get them to their current position. Followed by this, we conduct detailed research on the current positioning and market share of the clients’ key competitors along with the digital marketing tactics and strategies they have implemented to attain their position.

Once this data is collated by AndMine, we use the gained data insights to direct us to the best digital procedures to enhance both our clients’ existing and future methods by which they implement their digital marketing practices. The Competitor and Industry Space Analysis also outline the weaknesses of our clients’ key competitors and allow us to discover new and unused opportunities both of which they can act upon. In a nutshell, through our industry analysis and competitor analysis services, we enhance your opportunity to achieve increased market share, revenue and commercial ROI.

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