Articles and Advertorials

Publishing is now part of almost every business. B2B, B2C, everyone is a publisher in today’s info-rich digital ecosystems. We provide copywriting services for onsite (your website and digital ecosystem) and offsite (media, press, magazines, social media et. al.) that balances cut-through for your audience as well as getting perfectly optimised content for any platform we are publishing out to. This is so often done incorrectly, for example – are you getting PR and Press without a basic link-back ? while many organisations correctly get their name or email address added to an article on external websites, they forget to get the http / www link active – huge swing and a miss for every single post. If you’re looking for uplift in digital there is no point getting the article published without a correct link-back. This is one example of many we look out for as part of our digital focused copywriting.

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