Retail and eStore Digital Advertising

As part of our Digital Marketing & Advertising Services, we use Retail and eStore Digital Advertising to drive valuable traffic to your website.

What is Retail and eStore Digital Advertising?

Retail and eStore Digital Advertising is the process of marketing products online to a targeted audience. The aim is to place your products in front of the consumers that are most likely to convert. To do this, intelligent targeting strategies must be used that take into account user data such as geographic, demographic and interest metrics as well as past consumer behaviour.

Retail and eStore Digital Advertising &Mine

At AndMine, we ensure that all decisions we make for a client’s digital advertising strategy are data-driven and in the interest of increasing conversions for their eStore. We select the optimal digital distribution channels so that our digital retail advertising targets consumers that are most likely to convert. Platforms like Google and Facebook profiles their users, generating data which can be leveraged to advertise niche products to the correct niche audience. For the best results, ad creative is customised for target groups and even made bespoke for individuals using behaviour-driven algorithms. For example, 25-year old females who have searched online for red lipstick will see display ads that are related to their search, as they are most likely to convert to a sale. This ensures that your e-store advertising budget achieves quality impressions and actively heightens your digital brand awareness

Retail and eStore digital advertising can be further optimised by implementing remarketing campaigns across the Google Display Network and social media platforms. Remarketing allows a brand to target past visitors of their eStore with a specifically tailored message. A common remarketing message is a reminder of items that have been left in the digital shopping cart without fulfilling the purchase. It’s no coincidence that those shoes you almost bought online appear on your Facebook newsfeed with some encouraging, personalised copy – it’s remarketing. Remarketing works by using target market lists based on considerations such as visits to a site and shopping cart contents, with the purpose of bringing consumers back to into the digital advertising funnel who have fallen out. Studies show that consumers who are exposed to remarketing campaigns after abandoning their cart are three times more likely to convert compared to consumers who are not prompted to complete their purchase[1]. 

The purpose of online marketing is not to spam consumers but to entice them onto the path to purchase, either for the first time or to complete an abandoned journey. AndMine intelligently plan advertising schedules with proven algorithms for the best conversion rates. We don’t just show your ads as much as possible to as many consumers as possible, we use specific targeting to provide the best ROI for our clients’ advertising spend.

The Power of eStore Advertising and Remarketing

The intelligent use of eStore advertising and remarketing differentiates AndMine’s capacity to leverage the digital advertising space and push the potential of your company’s campaigns. A targeted ad spend will result in less money wasted on consumers that will never convert and more focus on those who will; the ultimate goal is always to increase the ROI from your eStore advertising. 


Want to find out more about how your business can reach and retarget consumers more effectively online? Get in touch.


[1] . Source:
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